The first historian is the one in charge of doing research of the oldest gods around the world, he also watches videos and documentaries in order to have value information to share with his co-workers.
First step: This historian will engage in an information tracking process about gods of his interest. Based on a series of images of different gods and mythologies, the historian will explore through the different web resources to understand what is the meaning of those gods in the mythology, along with their roles and all relevant data that may be important in the learning process.
The next historian is the one who uses the information found to preserve the old gods' history through a creative and attractive work.
2. Second step: Based on the information collected about the gods, this historian will have the possibility to present a god employing different design platforms. The final product may be a visual material of his preference such as an info-graphic, a video, a poster, among others.
The last historian's job is to create comparisons between old and modern customs in the world, this in order to explain how social phenomenons have changed. (How money worked before and how it works today for example)
3. Third step: The last historian will do a writing in which creates a contrast of the chosen gods’ meaning and what that concept means in the present. The historian may consider the distorted conceptions that the society of today imposes and how all these ideas influence the thinking and the way of human behavior.
You can upload your writing to the next Folder (Google account needed):
Finally, the three historians altogether will develop new conceptions of gods and what they could represent in the current world.
4. Final step: Now the historians will assemble to create a god, a new deity related to a social phenomena presented in the current society. The purpose is that they could recognize the different social phenomenons to eventually symbolize them as potential gods.
Use the following resources to create an authentic new god based on the things you have learned trough this process. Write a origin history to the god and think about what representation and meanings you can give him. You must design the visual of the god using the resources given.
Be creative and genuine, there are no limitations for this final step! DO YOUR BEST!
You can share your work in the following Google Drive Folder (Google account needed):